The New Issue of "Russian Sociological Review" is published, Volume 15, №3
The new 2016 number of "Russian Socioloigical Review" has came out. This issue, №3, Vol. 15 (2016) contains articles by Irina Tartakovskaya and Alexandrina Vanke, Iskender Yasaveev*, Anna Vichkitova, Alisa Maximova, Oleg Kil'dyushov, Vladimir Bystrov, Sergei Dudnik and Vladimir Kamnev, Andrei Teslya, books reflections by Natalya Veselkova and Olga Zdravomyslova, book reviews by Andrei Korbut, Leonid Blyaher, Anton Shablinskii and Nail Farkhatdinov and obituary to Anthony D. Smith by Emil Pain and Sergey Prostakov.
The new issue of "Russian Sociological Review" is published, Vol. 15, № 2
The second number of the journal "Russian Sociological Review" came out. This volume 15, № 2 (2016) contains research papers by Nicolas Hayoz, Anna Pechurina, Marina Makarova, Gleb Musikhin, Alexander Marey, Svetlana Ban'kovskaya, Konstantin Glazkov, Maria Sidorova, Alexey Titkov; translation of Thomas Aquinas; book reviews by Andrei Teslya, Alexandrina Vanke, Alexander Kondakov, Olga Simonova, Maria Yurlova.

"Political Theology": Lecture by Alexander Filippov in Kazan Federal University
Professor Alexander Filippolv, head of Center for Fundamental Sociology, has given a lecture in Institutre for Social and Philosophical Sciences in Kazan Federal University
John Urry (1946-2016)
John Urry, professor of Lancaster University, worldwide renowned sociologist, friend and coleague of Center for Fundamental Sociology, has died, 18th March.
Special Issue of "Russian Sociological Review" (Volume 14, № 4)
The special issue of "Russian Sociological Review" (Volume 14, № 4) has came out. The topic of the issue: "State of War: Human Condition and Social Orders".
The new issue of "Russian Sociological Review" came out (Volume 14, № 3)
In this issue research papers by Andrey Nekhaev, Irina Trotsuk, Anton Smolkin, Olga Bashkina, Andrei Teslya, and book essay by Ksenia Medvedeva can be found. Additionally, we publish the new translations of Juan Donoso Cortés and Max Weber (with a translator's foreword by Oleg Kil'dyushov). The book reviews section includes texts by Alexey Kara-Murza, Oleg Kil'dyushov, Ksenia Averkieva, Maria Yurlova.
The new issue of "Russian Sociological Review" (Volume 14, № 1)
The first 2015 issue of the journal "Russian Sociological Review" has came out. This number includes the articles by Peter Manning, Andrey Ignatiev, Galina Durinova, Irina Dudenkova, Andrei Teslya, Andrei Korbut; the translation of the classical work by Harvey Sacks, Emmanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson; book yssay by Dmitry Rogozin; book reviews by Andrei Teslya, Alexander Kondakov, Alexander Nikulin, Oleg Kil'dyushov.

Paper by Alexander Marey in Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho
The new paper by Alexander Marey in the journal Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho.
Special issue of "Russian Sociological Review" (Volume 13, № 4) came out
The special issue of "Russian Sociological Review" (Volume 13, № 4) came out, dedicated to the topic "Borders: Merging, Emerging, Emergent". This issues includes the papers by Ioannis Trisokkas, Joel Walmsley and Cara Nine, Serghei Golunov, Tatiana Weiser, Svetlana Ban'kovskaya, Ilkka Liikanen, Kateryna Pashkovska, Amanda Russell Beattie, and the book review by Irina Trotsuk.
Anna Borisenkova was appointed for Director of the Ricoeur Society Board
Anna Borisenkova, senior researcher at the Center for Fundamental Sociology, was appointed for Director of the Ricoeur Studies Society Board, and joined the editorial board for «Experiments/on the Political» book series of «Rowman & Littlefield», the British publishing house.