Power, Trust and Authority as the Structures of Social Order and the Concepts Describing Social Life
The project has been carried out as part of the HSE Program of Fundamental Studies.
Aim To build a conceptual framework of general sociology / sociological theory.
- To study the concepts of power, trust and authority and their interrelations among each;
- To clarify and redefine these notions in order to respond to the challenges of contemporary society and current sociological theory and to meet the philosophical and methodological requirements of current social epistemology.
Historical analysis of philosophical, legal and sociological literature and theoretical construction of the conceptual framework.
Key results
The main outcome of the research project is the fundamental reconsideration of sociological concepts from a political philosophical perspective and the construction of the theoretical framework, which will be used in future projects. Conflicts permeate the social life no matter how peaceful it may seem. The variety of social relations may be described only using historically grounded and at the same time abstract theoretical concepts. “War” (as a form of conflict in which the political is understood as confrontation of enemies), “power” and “authority” are considered to be the primary concepts of this type. They suggest intentional confrontation of actors, their willingness to join forces to struggle and to follow not only those who use or are eager to use legal and legitimate force, but also those who possess authority without any additional threats. It allows to build further upon these primary concepts such notions as “friendship” (complementary to the notion of enmity), “glory” (which connects power and authority) and “loyalty” (as social glue, which binds institutions and structures together).
Theoretical results may be used to create and enrich the sources of sociological description and provide grounds for the solution of social problems of current Russian society.
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