The Phenomena of the Order in the Mobile Communnication-2012
This project was implemented within the framework of the HSE's Basic Research Programme.
Research Object: The phenomena of mobility / immobility in everyday life.
Research Purpose: To theoretically justify and analyze the eventual nature of spatial mobility, and to empirically trace and describe the dynamics of the complex structure (configuration) of the social events of mobility.
Empirical Base of the Research: Case studies of mobility, including local order in the airports, narratives of passengers awaiting flights, and the use of space and mobility as a reward during the formation of a team of flight attendants. An analysis of these cases led to some general conclusions about the nature of the new mobility.
Research Results: The content of these findings represents the main results. First, it's mobility, which is to be described phenomenologically, that is, not through the study of the causal chain guiding from explicit to implicit, but by exploring and detecting the meaning of event configurations. Second, it's mobility, the meaning of which is diverse and contextual so each figuration needs interpretation, which requires the updating of the context, a material and / or event-frame event. Third, it is, of course, the global mobility of the world, which has an effect on the most basic level of social interaction. Finally, it's mobility, which is caused by two kinds of order generated in social interaction: on the one hand, it is about solidarity, born here and now, and fixed in the state of origin. On the other hand, there is “thingifying” semantics imposed, transmitted, and maintained. It is through the latter, and then we go up to the "big world" of mobility, which is not directly the subject of our study, but it shines through all the events of societall life. Overall, this confirms and allows us to develop further the results that were obtained in the previous stages of the study.
Implementation of the Research Results: (which are the main prospects identified in the report) can be divided by: 1) respectively theoretical - use in future studies of mobility, sociology of space in the methodological development on ethnomethodology, configurational analysis, rithmanalysis, 2) applied - to develop practical recommendations for space organization of transit places (airports, train stations) and local immobilization (parking places, waiting rooms and so on) to develop interfaces of information systems with navigation, and 3) educational and methodological - in syllabi of the courses at various academic levels, for the preparation of multidisciplinary topics of new mobilities and sociology of space.
International Partners: The project was designed and implemented to some extent in cooperation with the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe), Lancaster University (UK), headed by Professor John Urry. The second year of research on the project was performed with the participation of the leading experts in Ethnomethodology: Professor Anne Rawls and Professor Gary David, both of Bentley University, USA. This has significantly modified both the theoretical framework of the research and the field research strategy.
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